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Babe (Tara Aire) is a New York model. She will inherit millions from her grandfather, but only if she finds a husband and fast! Babe will find her man and many more. When there's a need for the ultimate in nasty sex...... you want it with Babe. Enjoy watching milfs, older women, brides, models, housewives and lesbians as blondes, redheads, and brunettes with big tits, hairy pussies and long legs parade around in their lingerie and stockings while having their breasts fondled and pussies licked.

Duration: 82 minutes

Directed by: John Christopher 
Studio: Arrow Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Babe :
 • Jim Davey  • Samantha Fox  • Veronica Hart  • Matt West  • Patrice Trudeau  • Ron Hudd  • Justin Casey  • Tiffany Clark  • Lisa B.  • Ron Jeremy  • Tamara West  • Tara Aire  • Rod Pierce  • George Payne  • Josh Andrews


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