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A power failure traps a team of construction workers in the dark -- leaving them up to their own perverted devices. The sex-drenched conclusion to "Trapped" finds out what happened when you trap a bunch of horny construction workers and leave them to their own devices.Two workers in a sub-basement -- Michael Soldier and Mark Hansford -- find their boss, Nick Mazzaro, passed out after receiving a major jolt off a fuse board. He's out cold but sporting a massive hard on. Working diligently at his cock, the two take their boss for a ride that wakes him up right quick.Brad Rock and Derek Foster, left waiting for an elevator in the dark, use the downtime to explore each other's bodies.Meanwhile, in an electrical basement, Kent Larson and Mike Grant get worked up talking dirty over their lunch break.The finale finds Joey Milano and Brad Star in a three-way with Mike Grant over a cooler. Darren Phillips and Derek Foster enter, raising the stakes for an explosive five-way orgy.

Duration: 93 minutes
From the series: Trapped
Directed by: John Bruno 
Studio: Mustang Falcon Falcon Studios Group 

Watch these pornstars in Trapped :
 • Nick Mazzaro  • Mike Grant  • Joey Milano  • Kent Larson  • Darren Phillips  • Derek Foster  • Mark Hansford  • Dan Rider  • Brad Star  • Michael Soldier  • Brad Rock


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