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Muscle Buffet

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Muscle Buffet

ALEX'S MASSAGE I intended to give Alex a massage just like I have given a lot of other hot guys. But something happened to me when my hands touched his tight ex-marine body. I had to pull my cock out and shoot my load. I guess you could say I got a bit carried away. But can you blame me? ENZO'S MASSAGE One of my all-time favorite things to do is to massage a man with big, strong muscles. Enzo didn't let me down. He really enjoyed my massage. He also liked it when I got him rock hard, sucking on his cock, rimming his ass and jacking him off. Damn he's one hot Italian! DAVE'S MASSAGE Dave, the chemist from Ohio with the killer body, was easily talked into coming back for a massage. I grease him up and rub him down, then I work some magic on his ass. I start with a little rimming followed by a round of finger banging that gave this straight man quite a surprise.

Duration: 100 minutes
From the series: Massage Series
Directed by: Jake Cruise 
Studio: Jake Cruise 


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