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Bear Paws

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Bear Paws

You've got to hand it to these bears; they never run out of new ways to get their paws dirty. When strict master JJ Bad Pig gets his willing servant Eduardo Angeloso on his knees, he takes complete control of this flexible bottom bear. Then it's up into the sling for some of the deepest, most penetrating action you've ever seen. Watch as American Bad Bear lives up to his name, giving everything he's got to Evil D. This scene goes from screaming, growling rough play to serious pounding. Finally, threesome Chet, Supercub, and Jake handily demonstrate all the ways to use and abuse your fellow bear on a portable sling. Someone won't be sitting the same way for a while after this one is over.

Duration: 57 minutes

Directed by: Ken Slater 
Studio: CyberBears 

Watch these pornstars in Bear Paws :
 • Chet  • Super Cub  • JJ Bad Pig  • Eduardo Angeloso


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