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Mike's Sexual Seductions

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Mike's Sexual Seductions

Do you love to seduce straights? Mike was a "pussy loving" straight who answered an advertisement in his college paper for models needed. Well, Mike and his straight friends found out "the hard way" about stiff cock and ass. So you enjoy young, straight men being seduced into gay sex acts? No pretend, but out and out, pussy loving straights? Well, welcome to Mike's world! Buddies in the Marines and now college students, Mike agreed to do a jerk off film with his buddy. Well, things got out of control and Mike has his first taste of cock. Not only did Mike suck his straight Marine buddy, but "The Mask" got lucky. Then, while building shelves in the office, Marky and Mike were seduced by "The Mask," and finally Anthony fucks male ass for the first time and a first "getting fucked" for sexy Jake. Kinky!

Duration: 102 minutes

Studio: Erectus Video 

Watch these pornstars in Mike's Sexual Seductions :
 • Jake (II)  • Marky  • Anthony  • Mike  • Tony


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