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Rough Cut

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Rough Cut

This action packed classic presents Scott Taylor ("The Sultan of Solo Sex") acting as a film editor watching his movieola and seeing four arousing films. The four episodes include: Oceanic orgasms, blowjobs under water that lead to strangely suspended orgasms; Sex in a moving car as the occupants of the two vehicles get off while racing parallel down the highway; A dream world of disembodied cocks (and men exploding into cock-suckers faces), asses in a glory hole and cumming into mouths; And a three-way in the shower room of a gymnasium. From the Golden era of Gay cinema, no condoms.

Duration: 63 minutes

Directed by: Steve Scott 
Studio: Bijou Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Rough Cut :
 • Rich Cumming  • Brian Woods  • Adam Mitchel  • Nick Rogers  • John Karr  • Steve Lessing  • John Parker  • Dan Parks  • Mike Daniels  • Scott Taylor  • Tex Morgan


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