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Boyfriends 2 Episode 3: Spread The Love

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Boyfriends 2 Episode 3: Spread The Love

Theres free love, and then there are Logan and Leon. Logan Stevens and Leon Fox met at a Faerie gathering in the woods of Tennessee, but in NakedSwords Boyfriends 2, Logan and Leon show that an open relationship doesnt mean youre bored with each other. In fact, its just the opposite. Sort of. After fooling around with the crew on-set (off-screen), the boys get down to business with each other. Leon fucks Logan, and then they switch, and Logan fucks Leon. Could there be anything more mind-blowing and limitless than when two like minds lock and let their bodies roam? Sometimes the love is too good not to spread

Duration: 42 minutes
From the series: Boyfriends - Naked Sword
Directed by: mr. Pam 
Studio: Naked Sword 

Watch these pornstars in Boyfriends 2 Episode 3: Spread The Love :
 • Logan Stevens  • Leon Fox


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