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Straight Spunk: Interview: Brinkk

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Straight Spunk: Interview: Brinkk

Tall and lanky, BRINKK is an interesting model. Standing at 65 and 165 pounds, hes got tattoos in places you wouldnt expect. He absolutely has the straight dude attitude. Bragging that his first time was when he was almost 14, hes really into girlsbut mainly short ones. Go figure!Brinkk admits that he likes to jack off every day, or sometimes every other day. And with his 8 cut piece of man meat, its very obvious that hes got lots of practice in the art of masturbation. He pumps his weighty sausage with precise strokes, enjoying the bouncing of his heavy, cum-filled nutsackYoull like watching this full session of Brinkk whacking it for the camera - grunts, groans and all the extra room noises too. Enjoy!

Duration: 42 minutes
From the series: Straight Spunk
Directed by: Uncle Paul 
Studio: Private Straight Spunk 

Watch these pornstars in Straight Spunk: Interview: Brinkk :
 • Brinkk


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