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Signature Series: Joe

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Signature Series: Joe

Joe is a newbie to all this and is a bit skeptical. In his first shoot, we start out with an interview to ease him into the XXX world. He is very skittish so I start a costume shoot that will allow us to imagine him in various fantasies and allow him to get used to disrobing. He warms up enough for the camera to come in for a close up while he still has his pants on. He has a beautiful warm smile when he shows it. His body is smooth except for a delicious pleasure trail that disappears into his jeans.He is coming around and I decide to ask him to show a little more! He does and we get to peek in his jeans. I don't want to crowd him, so I suggest he ''close up show'' for now. The costume shoot is a bit long, but you will get a lot of hints and tips on how to get in a straight man's pants! We only get to see his chest, biceps, pit and back and just a bit of bush, but the promise of more is intriguing!

Duration: 93 minutes
From the series: Signature Series
Directed by: Mark Gemini 
Studio: Gemini Studios 

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 • Joe


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