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The Transexual Who Ate The Crossdresser 2

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The Transexual Who Ate The Crossdresser 2

A sweet Transexual saunters down the steps from her job, but she's out to lunch, man is she out to lunch. And she's about to launch upon an excursion of no turning back. She will eat her man's meat for lunch and then take it further. She goes back to his pad on the strip and proceeds to get undressed for the camera. She is the sub today cause she likes her man to get with the program and stuff some hot barbecue up her pretty cup cakes. She takes it all off now and gets comfy with his joint in her mouth. And she starts to smoke his salami and take it all in. He is rock hard and slams his salami into her backside with a vengeance. She loves it big and hard between her legs. She screams with delight that the size keeps growing and goes in deeper.

Duration: 46 minutes
From the series: The Transexual Who Ate The Crossdresser
Directed by: Randy De Troit 
Studio: Randy De Troit Productions 


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