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Young Flesh 2: U.S. Marines

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Young Flesh 2: U.S. Marines

Young men in tight uniforms... who could resist? Definitely not these horny studs, who's sole purpose is to get rock-hard cock into their tiny assholes and wet mouths.

Duration: 114 minutes
From the series: Young Flesh
Directed by: Don Ross 
Studio: Erectus Video 

Watch these pornstars in Young Flesh 2: U.S. Marines :
 • Auzzie  • Joe (m)  • Skyler (II)  • Cisco  • Anthony  • Big Farrva  • Dolph  • Pavel Fox  • Flame (m)  • Wade  • Will (II)  • Duke (Southern California)  • West  • Kricket  • Brandon (II)  • Shredder  • Mike Horn  • Chuck  • Leon (II)  • Blake Edwards  • Mike  • Jason Crew


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