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The Hung Riders 2

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The Hung Riders 2

While in pursuit of Miss Clitty, Cody Whiler and Marc Pierce set up camp. Luke (David Thompson) remains behind in a saloon looking for a card game. Luke soon finds his game with Fuzzy (Sharon Kane), who he tries to cheat. Paco (Marcello Reeves) catches Luke, and shows him what happens to cheats in that town. How I would love to be caught cheating in that town! Luke finds himself on his knees in front of Paco, going down on Paco's uncut cock, before taking it up his ass.

Duration: 82 minutes
From the series: The Hung Riders
Directed by: Brad Austin 
Studio: Channel 1 Releasing Catalina 

Watch these pornstars in The Hung Riders 2 :
 • Dan Lyons  • Sam Crockett  • Max Grand  • Drew Andrews  • David Thompson  • Anthony Mengetti  • Marcelo Reeves  • Marc Pierce  • Cody Whiler  • Buck Philips  • Chi Chi LaRue


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