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Vulcan Amateurs 55: Cumshots 4

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Vulcan Amateurs 55: Cumshots 4

If you are a sperm addict, then this is what you've been waiting for! One after another, these tough-guy Latino models get serviced to the point of hot orgasm. Filmed in typical Vulcan Amateurs style: crystal clear photography, plenty of close-ups, and tons of hot gooey Latin spunk! Featuring 25 hot Latinos shooting serious loads of cum!

Duration: 105 minutes
From the series: Vulcan Amateurs

Studio: Vulcan Amateurs 

Watch these pornstars in Vulcan Amateurs 55: Cumshots 4 :
 • Demetrio  • Antony  • Dave  • Robi  • Alexander  • Tony  • Vulcan  • Jorge  • Serio  • Johanes  • Denis  • Ernesto  • Don (m)  • Maurizio  • Micky  • Rene (Vulcan Amateurs)  • Valerio  • Edgar  • Bosco  • Pier  • Walter  • Lex  • Rex  • Quiro  • Miguel  • George


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